
Fretfret is an Android app for learning the notes on a guitar fretboard. It shows a random note selected from the frets and strings you want to be tested on. Name the note associated with the position shown, press next, and see if you were right! Repeat until you're a guitar wizard.


Similar trainer apps I've used introduce too much friction to get to the next note, through having to select your answer from a bunch of buttons. You have to first come up with an answer, then navigate their UI to input the answer to get to the next one.

To me, the purpose of these kinds of trainers is more to improve your recall time than your accuracy. After trying a few options out, I ended up liking the simplest one - showing which note the last position was. This way, you have access to the answer if you're not sure whether you named it correctly.

On learning the fretboard

I recommend starting with a 3 to 5 frets on a single string, and focusing on getting those down fairly automatically.

Then, move onto the next 3-5 (NOT all the frets you've learned combined).

Once you've gotten all the frets on a string down, test yourself on the entire string.

If you just keep adding notes to the ones you already know, the newer notes will appear less frequently so it takes longer to get them down.

It's important to space repititions of new material close together. This approach follows that of learning systems such as Anki.



Email hello at this domain, with fretfret in the subject, with patches, bug reports, or feature requests.